Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Full moon

Dusk on the savannah...

... And a full moon that is not quite as round as I thought:

An office with a view

A lot of people ask me why I decided to go and live in the bush. This morning, I was working at the usual place (on the porch) when I raised my head and saw this:

I rest my case.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

New friend?

We seem to have acquired a new friend. This cattle little egret (Bubulcus ibis, I think, although it's supposed to have a yellow bill and yellow on the back of the head... Maybe a juvenile?Egretta garzetta) has been roaming around our house, alone (no other egret, no cattle either) for a couple of days. 

A weekend visitor or a new friend? Time will tell...

Whatever the future has in stock, it was nice to be able to get near enough to see it in so much detail.

Update 17/06/2014: What I mistakenly took for a cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) is indeed quite a different bird altogether. Here are cattle egrets:

Their bill and feet are deep yellow/orange, and they have pale orangey-yellow patches on their head and back. Apologies for the mistake!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Today's visitors...

A praying mantis...

A pied crow (Corvus albus)...

What I assumed to be a cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) but is the wrong colour... Maybe a juvenile?

And a little almost friendly (that is, not overly shy) dog: