Monday 19 April 2010

Good news out of small and major disasters

My computers have been giving me a lot of headaches over the last few weeks but while scanning my various backups I discovered a gem I didn't know I still had: all the pictures I used for a website on Ghanaian aboriginal dogs (subscription lapsed years ago). What a treat!

They are all here:

Some of the dogs are mine (the two red ones in a European setting, from the 2-year stint I did in France 6-8 years ago), most are encounters I made in 2004 around Batsonaa, a suburb of Accra, Ghana.

A friend in South Africa told me about an interesting initiative. Read about it here:

Teaching less fortunate kids to handle their dogs as a way of introducing them to the human and social values of compassion, gentleness and care is a brilliant idea, one that should be replicated elsewhere, to help make our world better.

To those who would find this endeavour shallow or useless, or that one should concentrate on human beings rather than dogs, I'll say: Kakrabia nsua. Every little helps. Our world does need compassion, gentleness and care. A lot.

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