Monday 10 June 2013

Red alert (again!)

Red does indeed occur quite a lot naturally in our environment. Here is a bird which is relatively common in the region, but very difficult to photograph.

Sorry for the somewhat blurred image. I was much farther from the elusive bird than my camera is comfortable with. My connection is not good enough to look it up, so I don't have a name yet, but I hope to be able to come back with it soon.

My connection gave me a little respite and I was able to come up with a possible-to-likely candidate (disproved by a learned neighbour -- but I was close! same family, wrong region). The probably final identification is: Northern Red Bishop / Euplectes franciscanus / Euplecte franciscain. As of 29/05/2014 and armed with a book on West African birds, I'm now quite confident it is a Red Bishop / Euplectes orix /Ignicolore.

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