Saturday 13 June 2015


When I opened my gate today I thought someone had stuck a piece of chewing gum on the jamb. I was more than a little annoyed, and immediately started reviewing in my head how to remove it without touching it.

This involved looking a little closer. That's when I went to pick my camera in the car. (What? You don't always have your camera on the passenger seat?)

We decided to give a friendly push to our visitor so that it doesn't get crushed when we close the gate or on the ground, when I finally drive into the yard. I consider this one my best picture this year, if not ever.

The whole beast is about 5/8 in (2cm) long. Looking it up on the Internet — and the Internet being what it is, i.e. fantastic —, I discovered that there are frog enthusiasts in Ghana, and that a lot if not most, maybe even all, the frogs you can encounter in the country are recorded in several places.

Based on the information I could find, I think this little beauty is Afrixalus weidholzi. Please do feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!

A friendly reminder: appreciation is welcome, re-use without prior written approval is not! please get in touch with me if you want to use any of my pictures. Thank you!

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