Thursday 8 September 2016

Fly away

I'm sure by now my readers have figured out I like weavers. Their colours, their chatter, and their nests are sources of daily wonder. I took these pictures of Village weaver / Ploceus cucculatus / Tisserin gendarme (male and females/juveniles) in Agbodrafo, Togo.

A male, looking down on the action in a nearby tree, seemingly oblivious of the Rainbow lizard / Agama agama / Margouillat watching it.

I don't know for sure whether the one below is a female or a juvenile. They look very much the same, but this one looks fully grown and therefore I think it's a female. Please feel free to set me right if I'm wrong and to share tips to know one from the other. Thanks!

This is my very first almost decent picture of a flying bird. It is a tiny bit blurry and probably doesn't look much technically or in terms of action, but it makes me happy.

A friendly reminder: please contact me if you want to use any materials on this blog elsewhere. It will be nice, and will keep you on the right side of copyright law. Thank you!

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