Wednesday 3 December 2008

Red-throated visitor

Since I bought a new camera early last month, I've been on the lookout for three specific birds. One was a bright red and black bird, another a yellow-greenish bird, which are both still eluding me, and the third a faded red-throated bird, which finally obliged this morning.

These pictures were all taken from my office into the tiny patio. I am not sure all are of the same bird, since they were two to dance in the patio this morning.

The pictures were a bit tricky to take, since I didn't want to frighten them although I had to open the window and zoom in on them, all this while they were less than 10 feet from me.

I'm quite pleased with the result. I still haven't seen the bright red bird, or another yellow-greenish one that I find interesting too.

I don't know much about African birds names. Based on, it seems however that this one could be a bar-breasted firefinch (Lagonosticta rufopicta). I would appreciate it a lot if a reader could verify this, help identify it or recommend a website or a book.

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