Monday 22 December 2008

Jurassic Park in my yard

I cannot help marvelling at how much can be discovered without even going out of my gate. I don't know much about lizards, geckos, or whatever they are called, but they look so ancient I wouldn't be surprised if they predated man on earth and would last long after our folly precipitates our disparition.

They come in so many different sizes and colours... Some are even colourless! I suppose they are albino but their eyes are black, so maybe they are not, after all. One of them runs away each time I open a specific cupboard in my kitchen. Geckos eat insects, which seems quite useful considering they are everywhere in huge numbers.

One of their most intriguing pecularities is their sticky feet, which allow them to walk on tiled walls and smooth ceilings without falling (well, I've seen geckos landing on my bed or table unannounced, but maybe they were just having a little fun at my expense). After much pondering, observing and putting under various magnifying glasses, it appears that scientists have discovered how this is possible:

"It seems the little lizards have a network of tiny hairs and pads on their feet which produce electrical attractions that literally glue the animals down."


Whoever believes all life form on earth and elsewhere is pure coincidence and random arrangement of matter seems a trifle off-beam to me. I just cannot believe there is no Master Architect to all this.

Another walk-on in my domestic Jurassic Park re-enactment is the cockroach. I see quite a lot of this species around. Somehow, my ability to marvel doesn't extend to it. Whoever did the casting quite overdid it in the cockroach department. Or maybe not. It may just be that I am unable to look at the overall picture and tend to focus too much on a very limited area, say, my kitchen at night.

1 comment:

megat said...

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