Wednesday 30 November 2016

Future garden loading - Day 6

I'm on a mission to attract as many butterflies as possible to my garden. To this end, I need to (over)load it with brightly coloured flowers. That's why I opted for moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora, or purslane) as a ground cover, 

Today, I located a nursery where they stocked it. I took 220 plants, which is as much as my car boot could carry. I'll go back for more next week. This should keep me busy in the garden for a few days anyway (I can only work there when it's not too hot and if my toddler happens to be asleep at the same time, which means not more than 2 hours on a good day).

The nursery also had what I think is another type of Portulaca, i.e. Portulaca umbraticola. It is very nice and colourful but I don't think you can step on it like P. grandiflora. I may add a few anyway.

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