Thursday 17 November 2016

Future garden loading - Day 1

I promised my daughter long ago that this year we would have a proper Christmas tree so I went to the nursery and picked this nice araucaria. I'll plant it this weekend with a lot of space all around because these trees can become huge!

Then I went on and bought a few other plants, mostly crotons and hibiscus. The nursery guy threw in 3 plants, 2 with orange flowers (my best guess is Lantana camara) he told me act as snake repellents (we have snakes here, but I think they are harmless and neither I nor my daughter are afraid of them) and another with red flowers. He mentioned the name but I didn't hear it and dropped the matter after asking him to repeat about three times and still being unable to hear his answer.

I don't know what these big red leaves are called, The big red leaves (Cordyline terminalis) are rather striking, I think. I intend getting more hibiscus (the ones on the left below). Just because. I want a lot of flowers to attract butterflies and birds.

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