Monday 29 August 2016

Flowers galore!

Yesterday I took advantage of the overcast weather before the rain and had an excellent walk along disused rail tracks in Agbodrafo, Togo. I saw a lot of birds of all sorts, none really new to me but in their quantity and willingness to be approached, and quite a few interesting plants too. Unfortunately, I had gone out without my camera. I decided that I would retrace my steps at the earliest opportunity, which happened to be mid-morning today after the rain stopped. Excellent news for the farmers! it was the first rain in almost two months.

I first came across a bush that didn't seem very interesting at first sight but taking a closer look, I saw flowers of different colours blooming on the same stem. This surprised me, because it didn't really look like they were at different stages of development. I took pictures and hope I will be able to identify the plant and find an explanation for this oddity.

A bit farther on, another type of flower caught my eye. I found this 'long-haired' style quite intriguing. Again, I don't have the faintest idea how it is called...

I thought I would devote one post to the flora I saw on my walk, and another to the fauna, but the next plant, I think, deserves a post of its own. Stay tuned!

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